Tuesday 11 July 2017

A mini microadventure

Similarly to the Dunwich Dynamo, I've had my mind set on doing a microadventure for 3 or 4 years now. 

Alastair Humphreys coined the term microadventure, and even released a book about it in 2014, which I bought on release of course. 

The main crux of the idea is that we often say that we don't have time for explorations, or that we can't afford the right gear. Microadventures are small, local, sometimes free adventures. You can check his site for more information.

The one I've had my mind set up is sleeping outside without a tent, Alastair recommends a bivvy bag for this. I've hummed and hawed about buying a bivvy bag, as I didn't want it to just sit in the cupboard. This year I bit the bullet and bought one in anticipation of the summer solstice. 

I wanted to do a taster in the garden for my mini microadventure, I'm born and bred in the city so I'm less used to countryside noises at night. I thought this could ease me in to the real thing. 

Doris enjoyed the set up too

The night of the summer solstice turned out to be London's hottest day in 176 years or something, so we didn't even need to use the bivvy bag. It was a blissful night's sleep, the main disturbance was that my cat Doris wanted to get on my belly and cuddle. And it was really delightful waking up in the morning to the 'wild'. 

View when we woke up
I was off to Glastonbury that week, and lots of people thought it was a funny way to bring in several nights camping at the festival but I loved it! 

Looking to do my microadventure proper in August...

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