Tuesday 20 August 2013


Recently, I've found that I cook less. Since moving in with my boyfriend, he generally handles the dinner, it's not something to complain about but I have missed cooking. 

Last night, I decided I would cook something completely new each week - it's very easy to fall into the trap of making the same dinners when you're tired after work but it tends to get a little boring. Obviously when you have people around for dinner, you tend to push the boat out, but that doesn't happen every week and I want to cook more for myself - without sounding like I'm been selfish.  

So yesterday, I made a bean 'cake', served with sour cream and broccoli. I use the term cake lightly, as whilst in the pan, the ingredients looked cake like but when I tried to serve it up, it crumbled. Still tasty though: spring onions, yellow pepper, borlotti beans, black eye beans, breadcrumbs, mayo, coriander, basil and seasoning. 

Other happenings, over the weekend, I started to watch Top of The Lake (5 hours of it!), a BBC4 drama with Elisabeth Moss and Peter Mullen. I'm enjoying it, almost like Twin Peaks without the surrealness - more of the underlying criminality/twisted nature of small town elders. 

I also went to see Frances Ha, written by Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig and starring Gerwig as the lead. I loved it, Gerwig is so endearing and it was great to see a film about girls not about boys. The film's crux isn't whether Frances will find the one! Shock horror! This is one of my favourite of her expressions: 00.51.

People will probably call it a post-Girls thing but as much as I enjoy Girls, Hannah (Lena Dunham) is a self obsessed d*ck, she's a girl you'd probably would only want as a party friend cause you can't rely on her for anything. Frances is genuinely nice and whilst she makes her mistakes, they aren't done maliciously. 

Had quite a lazy weekend then. 

Oh and last night we saw Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, very enjoyable. 

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